歡迎各界朋友光臨廣州雅士展,我公司展位號:13.1 館 J61號
- 點擊次數:3429 發布時間:2011-5-14
2011年5月17日至20日,第25屆中國塑料橡膠工業展覽會將在廣州琶洲展館舉行。本次展會是亞洲zui大的*的橡塑工業展。我公司將在13.1館 J61號展位恭候各界朋友的光臨。
公司屆時展出PE,PP-R,PE-RT,PE-X,PVC,UPVC,PVC-M,ABS各類管道擠出生產線及各類異型材擠出成套生產線。 誠邀各界朋友,到我公司展位參觀指導。參展時間:2011年5月17日至20日,展會地址:廣州,琶洲,海珠區,閱江中路380號
Dear all friends warmly welcome to visit us in Chinaplas 2011! Our stand No. is: Hall13.1-J61 From May 17th to 20th, 2010, the 25thInternational Rubber and Plastic Exhibition (China) is held in Pazhou, Guangzhou city. This exhibition is the greatest and most professional fair of rubber and plastics in Aisa. We will meet you in Hall 13.1-J61. There you will find different kindly of our extruder. Exhibition Time: May 17th – 20th, 2011! Address: 380#, Middle Yuejiang Road, Haizhou District, Pazhou, Guangzhou, China Booth Number: Hall 13.1-J6
SuZhou New ChiCheng Machinery CO.,LTD
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